Lac Kenogami, Quebec

Lac Kenogami, Quebec

Jan 11, 2013

Callum danse

Jun 8, 2011

House pics for Ellen

Here are some pics babe in no particular order.
This is the guest bedroom at the back. Wanted to show how the closet had been filled in. Looks great, and la couleur!!!

Bad picture below. They colour does look great, poor lighting. Check out the closet!!

This is in the guest bedroom again. Jordan opened up the space, but it is too tight for a proper vent. We will talk about it tonight.

Bathroom in green, so fresh! I really like it.

Love the attic. Super hot day today and we have the AC on. The house is super cool considering it's one of the hottest days on record. With no vent to the attic, it was a little warm up there (much warmer than rest of house). Jordan will put in an electric base board anyways, (don't need to ever use it) and we'll talk about the vent. I think it would be good to have a proper vent...option is to get a window AC unit, but I don't like that option as much. Love the colour!!! Who picked these?

The kitchen looks'll look even better with the appliances in. The green in the living room looks close to the kitchen in some lights, but it is green and different. The kitchen and living room are bright and fresh which is awesome!

The living room green changes almost from wall to wall depending on the lighting....quite normal.

Oct 7, 2010

Snow Geese Hunt

By looking at the picture below, it looks like after picking up Steve in Montreal, we all got to see le Parc de la Jacques Cartier in full bloom. The 1200km from Waterloo to Lac St-Jean was done with a little stop over in Montreal. We can't really disclose the exact location of the hunt as this would be against house rules.

When we arrived at our secret location, it was clear that there were no snow geese and that the weather was shite.

Hunting is an early man's game. Here is Steve after we've set-up our decoy layout at 6am.
Below is a mock picture of Darin in the shooting position out of his lay-down blind. I would not risk missing a shot at some birds for a picture.

Peter (Pierre) wasn't super impressed after our poor start on Friday, but we did manage to get some birds.

Evidence of our harvest is pictured below with Steve's first bird of the weekend. Proud you ask?
We did our best to use as much straw as possible available around us to improve our lay-down blinds.

Here is a team picture after our Saturday morning shoot. After getting up at 4am, setting up close to 200 decoys among which were some remote control robot geese, and you can't help but mention the CD playing geese calling machine complete with 2 speakers aka Willie Lamotte.

Below is our fearless companion Nola. She spent the weekend retrieving, but most importantly you could here her come upstairs and wake us up in the middle of our deep sleeps.

What else can be said about a perfect hunting weekend with my father, great friends and most of all my uncle Claude who pours his heart and soul into making his experiences in hunting an experience for others. Thanks.

Sep 18, 2009

Our trip to Europe

Avant de partir pour l'Europe, on a passé quelque jours a Seoul. Voici des photos pour pouvoir apprécier la différence.

On a vraiment fait un beau voyage en Europe. Je vais vous montrer quelque photo de nôtre voyage. L'itinéraire était: Pays Bas, Belgique, et la France. Car les habilités culinaires de la Corée ne sont pas trop diverse, on était super content de pouvoir déguster de la bonne cuisine et évidement de voir des beau paysages et de profiter de pouvoir parler dans nos langues maternelles. Alors, nous voici (dans très peu de photo) en Europe.

Nous avons commencé nôtre voyage a Amsterdam (via Paris). Nous avons resté a une hotel entre l'aéroport et le centre ville. Une hotel qu' on a réservé sur l'internet avec un super rabais. Super propre et on prenait l'autobus de ville qui avait un stop a côté de l'hotel. En 20 minutes on y était.
On savait que le bicycle était la mode de transport préféré des Hollandais, mais quand même surprenant. Il y a des bicycles partout!! Alors, nous aussi on a fait pareil, et on c'est promené et visité en bike.

Nous voice posé super naturelle ( me suis acheté un trépied pour $15 a Seoul)

On a passé 2 soir a Amsterdam, ensuite on est allé a Utrecht. 30 minutes en train. On a couché a un Bed and Breakfast. La femme était super fine et chaleureuse. Après avoir pris la photo suivante, on est descendu a la même place pour notre lunch. Ouais, assez gâté quand même, mais faut le faire.

Perspective assez biz, mais oui, le bateau passe dans le tunnel!

Les Hollandais sont trè lieu de l'expliqué quoi de mieux qu'une photo. Il y avait un parc a Utrecht que nous avons visité. Des enfants et des famille partout. Il y avait aussi une exposition par un artiste. Un peu biz:

Nous nous sommes ensuite rendu a Antwerp en Belgique.

Le grand-père a Ellen parle souvent d'avoir passé du temps a Mechelen. Un poste de provision important durant la guerre.


L'heure d'une pose. Petite bière Belge, pourquoi pas. Ellen dit que ses lunettee la fait pensé a Nana Midge dans les années 70!

Quiz time! Ou sommes nous!

L'Orangerie. Exposition de 8 tableaux pas Monet dans deux salles.

Sep 14, 2009

Too funny and way too much time on my hands.

Seeing as how we have too much time on our hands and have time to do silly things, well we do. A new group of teachers came in and we are getting to know them. Our new friend Brendan showed us about this site As the title says, you upload a current picture and you can make an old yearbook picture. I chose 1950, 1962 and 1976. This one had to be shared. Try to figure out who I look like.

Hope you are having a good laugh at my expense. Talk to you later. Man eh?